June 06, 2006


Lots of people took advantage of the gorgeous weather today to spend time relaxing in Princes Street Gardens. With such a fantastic backdrop, it really is a wonderful place to lie back with a book and enjoy the sunshine and warmth. Many Scots however are so enthusiastic to see the sun that they strip off and don't take the same kind of precautions that they would on holiday. They seem to forget that it IS the same sun they get when they go to Spain and they still need to put on sun cream!


Carrie Nichols said...

Catching up after vacation. This looks very inviting. I loved your pictures of the wedding guests in kilts.

Kris said...

coming from a tropical country. I'm fascinated at how people here react to sun shine :) Wonderful document!

midnitebara said...

I'd love to sit there too and read my new book " Predator ". Last few days our skies was clear too but this morning..very heavy rain.

Edwin Sumun said...

I understand completely having lived in Europe. Long cold days and the first hint of heat, everyone takes their tops off! Great for some and an eyesore for others! :)

Deetsa said...

After long periods of mist and rain we little mold people look up, squinting, at this bright thing in the sky and wonder "what the heck is that?"

We're crazy about sun here too. I'm not as crazy as my kids, though. The first hint of warmth and sun and they are flinging their bodies off the end of the government dock in various positions of cannonball dives. Well, the boys especially.

Jean said...

Same as here. When the sun comes out so do the crowds.