July 19, 2006

Lunchtime in the Gardens

Another beautiful day here in Edinburgh, and another chance for people to top up their fake-tans with some real sunshine! This is supposed to be the hottest day of the heatwave, and the last for a few days, so many city workers have taken the chance to come down to the gardens to have their lunch in the sun. There was a bit of a debate on the news last night as to what is acceptable office attire when the weather is as hot as it is. I see many guys sensibly wearing short-sleeved shirts with their collars loosened but am still seeing a number of people with dark-suits buttoned up...they must be sweltering or work in an office with air-conditioning!


Anonymous said...

The latter of course adding to the green-house gas effect and raising the temperature even more!

edwin s said...

well, you know how some people like to be constarined by convention. keep the tie on why don't you? but they do make the people watching far more interesting ;)