April 26, 2006

More Trinkets

Fotoaddict wanted to see more, so here are some more of the things that the Christmas Shop on Victoria Street sells. Anyone fancy some Scottish flags for their Christmas tree? Some tartan? A Union Jack...no, didn't think so! Tourist heaven! And certainly something a little different from what is sold be most touristy shops.


Kris said...

those ornaments are pretty but Very patriotic !;)

ps. Good luck with your German classes! Is it for work? Me, I want to learn spanish :D

Anne said...

Beautiful stuff! They should be on sale though when it's not christimas season :)

Uy your learning german? Like photoaddict I like to learn Spanish but I just don't have time...I bought an audio teach yourself Spanish cd but it didn't help!

Sam said...

I loved the santas in kilts below, and these are fun Christmas ornaments!
Great photos!!

G Fraser said...

Anne, they're on sale all year round!!

I'm trying to brush up my German after a lot of years of not using it. I'm planning to do a distance learning teaching diploma in German to give myself a 3rd teaching language...my Spanish would need a lot more work!

miss tango said...

never knew one could do so much with plaid!