One of the reasons why our shiny new Parliament ended up so ridiculously over budget was the extra security features which were put in place following the events in the US five years ago. Suddenly, a supposedly open and transparent "British" government building, especially one less than 100m from a royal residence, might just be a security threat. So these lovely walls were added to protect the buildings from car-bomb blasts.
indeed...charles rennie mackintosh inspired security fences!
mmm..who would have thought these funky walls have such ability.Cool!
Hi Grant,
Grant in Dubai here. From Fife origianlly. Used to live just off Leith Walk. Please keep showing me "Auld Reekie"...
Oh and I'll have a haggis supper and a glass bottle of Irn Bru please...!!
Come and drop by if you have a chance.
what? u mean you cannae get a haggis supper in dubai!? I'm gonnae cancel my stopover in april then!!
I found Grant's Traditional Recipe Haggis (in a tin) yesterday - NZ$10, roughly 3 punds 30 or 5 euro - is it any good? Or have you never been so desperate? Will I have to tell you tonight how it was?
I still don't get it... I meant design of building. It's so ... ummm... different from surroundings...
(It was still under construction, last time we were there….)
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